When the Wolves Came In

When the Wolves Came In

When the Wolves Came In explores the historical legacy of two totemic triumphs in the international history of Civil Rights: the 150th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation and the 20th anniversary of the abolishment of Apartheid in South Africa. The works take their inspiration from Max Roach’s iconic 1960 protest album We Insist: Max Roach’s Freedom Now Suite, which celebrated the centennial of the Emancipation Proclamation and shed a powerful light on the growing civil rights movements in South Africa and the U.S. The powerful themes inherent in these historical milestones are evident in Abraham’s choreography, the evocative scenery of visual artist Glenn Ligon, the visceral power of Roach’s masterwork, and the original compositions of Grammy Award-winning jazz musician Robert Glasper.

Kyle Abraham in collaboration with A.I.M


Nico Muhly

Set Design

Glenn Ligon

Costume Design

Reid Bartelme

Lighting and Video Design

Dan Scully

Premiere Cast

Matthew Baker, Winston Dynamite Brown, Tamisha A. Guy, Catherine Kirk, Jordan Morley, Penda N’diaye, Jie-Hung Connie Shiau

20 minutes

New York Live Arts, New York, NY