If We Were a Love Song

If We Were a Love Song

If We Were a Love Song is a series of poetic vignettes created by Kyle Abraham in collaboration with A.I.M and set to some of Nina Simone’s most intimate songs. Melding Abraham’s movements’ intricate qualities and musicality with Simone’s seminal silky voice creates the atmosphere for this work. Composed primarily of solos and duets, with versions created for both stage and screen, the work unfolds like a series of living portraits, deepening our reflections on community, love, and one’s self.

Kyle Abraham in collaboration with A.I.M


Nina Simone

Costume Design

Kyle Abraham and Karen Young

Lighting Design

Dan Scully

Premiere Cast

Tamisha A. Guy, Keerati Jinakunwiphat, Claude “CJ” Johnson, Catherine Kirk, Jae Neal, Donovan Reed, Gianna Theodore

26 minutes

American Dance Festival, Durham, NC